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God is getting ready to move -- in a BIG way. He is preparing to...
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The Lord has an amazing destiny for you. One full of hope, blessing and purpose....
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There is a reason you didn’t go home to glory as soon as you got...
$ 12.00
There is a reason you didn’t go home to glory as soon as you got...
$ 4.99
When Robert Hotchkin was ministering, the presence of God began to manifest, hover, and move....
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Faith is the currency of heaven. It is the substance that creates the reality of...
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Do you want to walk in greater power? Would you like to flow in an...
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Get Ready for Greater Degrees of Glory! You were made to be covered in the...
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The Lord has an amazing plan for you. In the "Create your World" - 5...
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God has not called you to a so-so future, or a disappointing future. He has...
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Overcome political and religious spirits.
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God's word never returns void. It accomplishes all it is sent to do!Prophet, Revivalist and...
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How the Second Half of Life Can Be the Better Half of Life.
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Becoming a Kingdom Warrior who releases the fullness of heaven! This is a 4-session download.
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This 4 lesson teaching was revealed to Patricia during her prayer time with the Lord in...
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You are God's beloved child. There is nothing He wants more than to draw you...
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God’s plan has always been the same. To have a people in relationship with Him...
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By your faith be made well. By your faith be made prosperous. By your faith...
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Whatever we focus on, we empower. In Christ, we are given the ability to see...
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All 25 Teachings! Mary Goddard, was my mentor in the Gifts of the Spirit and...
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Are you believing for something so big it seems almost impossible? Do you find yourself...
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God is good. All the time. We say those words so frequently. It is time...
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Healing and Restoration for Fallen Leaders (and those who are hurt by them) It is...
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Jesus Christ is the One who is high and lifted up. And He longs to...
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Did you know that in Christ, YOU are actually the House of God, the Temple...
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Living in the supernatural dimension of the Kingdom of God is easy for every believer...
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The Prayers of righteous man avail much. When you have the revelation that each time...
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MP3 - 1: The Value of Testing MP3 - 2: The Power of Joy and...
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As born-again believers, the world economy is not our source for provision. Paychecks and salaries...
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Have you ever wondered why you act or react the way you do? Are there...
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The voice of God is powerful, and yet He speaks so often through a still...
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Abraham did it. Joseph did it. Daniel did it and you can too! These champions...
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This is a powerful message. But be forewarned, it is not for the faint of...
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Are You Ready to Encounter the Man of Fire? In Scripture, we are promised that...
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Have you been crying out for more of God? More of His presence? More revelation?...
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The Lords desire is for your life to be filled with the glory of heaven...
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Have you ever wondered what God is doing, why He's doing it, or what it's...
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Have you ever wondered what God is doing, why He's doing it, or what it's...
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There is a power that comes from knowing the Fathers love for us. When we...
$ 8.99
God has an amazing future for you. It is full of His goodness, blessing, provision...
$ 5.99
As we move to greater levels of glory and empowerment, we also move to greater...
$ 7.20
This is the prophetic made simple. In these lessons, Patricia King and Robert Hotchkin dig...