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Have you ever wondered what God is doing, why He's doing it, or what it's...
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God wants relationship with you. Deep, personal, intimate relationship that's filled with encounter, experience, connection...
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Take a Big Drink of Truth! With every sip of your coffee or tea,...
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Experience deeper and greater realms of God's power than you ever knew were possible! Are...
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God’s plan has always been the same. To have a people in relationship with Him...
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By Patricia King and Robert Hotchkin Have you been crying out for “MORE!” of God? ...
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Have you been crying out for “MORE!” of God? More of His Kingdom? More of...
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The World Needs Powerful Men of Faith and Integrity! Now more than ever, the world...
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There is a reason you didn’t go home to glory as soon as you got...
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There is a reason you didn’t go home to glory as soon as you got...
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All of heaven is available to you right now through the finished work of the...
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God wants to use you to launch a spiritual revolution that will bring revival to...
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God wants relationship with you. Deep, personal, intimate relationship that's filled with encounter, experience, connection...
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Convierte toda confusión en claridad, todo conflicto en unidad, y los malentendidos en cooperación. :¿Sientes...
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Are there storms in your life? In your family, city or nation? Does it feel...
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Do you want to walk in greater power? Would you like to flow in an...
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Are you single, longing to be married? Would you like to strengthen and fortify your...
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Do you ever feel misunderstood, like no matter what you say it’s misinterpreted? And the...
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Are you believing for something so big it seems almost impossible? Do you find yourself...
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Bring Forth Your Promises! Do you have promises from the Lord that you're waiting on?...
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Get Ready for Greater Degrees of Glory! You were made to be covered in the...
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You Were Made for Miracles! God is the same for your today as He was...
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God's desire is to co-labor with you to bring about the marriage you have always...
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This beautiful book reveals the fullness of God's everlasting love for you. Designed to be a...
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Have you ever wondered what God is doing, why He's doing it, or what it's...
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This is the prophetic made simple. In these lessons, Patricia King and Robert Hotchkin dig...
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Patricia King, Robert Hotchkin and some of their prophetic friends have pressed into God to...
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Are you ready to be REVIVED, REFRESHED and REIGNITED? If you are weary, discouraged or...
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Before God formed you in your mother's womb, He knew you. Before you were ever...
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Jesus promises that we will truly do the works that He did, and even greater...
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The church is longing for God to bring revival. God is longing for His people...
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Our God is invincible. All might, all power, and all authority are His. He never...
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We will face challenges. God promises us that. But He also promises that He is...
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Enter His Rest, and Know Victory! Do you long to know more of Jesus? Is...
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There is a power that comes from knowing the Fathers love for us. When we...
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Have you been crying out for more of God? More of His presence? More revelation?...
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This beautiful hard cover book with a gold-foil stamp is overflowing with the revelation of...
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You are God's beloved child. There is nothing He wants more than to draw you...
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There is blessing, and then there is the COMMANDED BLESSING. When God commands His blessing...
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The Lord has an amazing destiny for you. One full of hope, blessing and purpose....