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This Book Contains a Glorious Revelation
It is a powerful mystery that will set you on a path of miracle replenishment and increase in everything that pertains to you – your physical strength, your love, your time, your provision, your gifts, your anointing, and anything else that flows from you to God and others.
Imagine that…
The Replenishment Anointing shares this God-given revelation through biblical examples, insights and keys, along with practical applications, personal testimonies, and decrees for activation.
“I have been sharing this message all around the world and constantly see immediate and sustained results in the lives of those who activate it. I have absolute confidence that if you receive this revelation and activate it, you will be blessed beyond measure.” – Patricia King
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Patricia King's DECREE book has always been one of our most popular resources. And now...
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In the beginning, God created with His word. He spoke and the worlds were formed....