$ 20.00
In the beginning, God created with His word. He spoke and the worlds were formed. The impact of God's word at the time of creation, remains powerful, creative and impacting to this day.
When His truth is spoken, it activates His power and blessing. Patricia King has written this book of Bible truths to be decreed (spoken with authority and confidence) by children. As they do, His truth is activated and will influence the course of their lives.
Decree a thing and it will be established and light will shine on all your ways.
Job 22:28
Hardback book. 30 pages. Also included is a copy of Heavenly City - Adventures With The King. A wonderful adventure book.
$ 15.00
The World Needs Powerful Men of Faith and Integrity! Now more than ever, the world...
$ 15.00
DECLARE GOD’S WORD FOR SUPERNATURAL BREAKTHROUGH The spiritual exercise of making decrees finds its...
$ 15.00
Patricia King's best-selling book, Decree, is now available in a beautiful vinyl covered edition. God’s Word never...